Monday, December 12, 2011

How can we go about dissolving cooking oil off the kitchen walls?

As we have just moved into a new house and the kitchen walls are covered in cooking oil it is very hard to remove, is their a product we can use remove it.How can we go about dissolving cooking oil off the kitchen walls?
i have boiled water and put a cloth in the water let it get supper hot! then lay the wet cloth on the creasy spots! let it get warm!

it doesn't hurt to take a hot blowdryer while your doing this to keep the crease hot! if it's hot it will loosen then use some other form of decreaser like any kitchen cleaner!How can we go about dissolving cooking oil off the kitchen walls?
REALLY hot water and plain soap will work the best. A little scrubber (like on the back of some sponges) will help a lot also.
Try the Mr. Clean Magic Eraser.
I really like Lysol Kitchen cleaner. I have seen it cut through some major grease. Try it on a small portion of wall to see if it's going to work. Spray it on, then let it sit for a few minutes. It should wipe off fairly easily. I just looked this up online and couldn't find a definitive answer, but someone did suggest using Murphy Oil Soap. I've never heard of it, but it's another option.

This sounds like such a huge job!! I really hope something works for you! Good luck!
The works glass and surface cleaner. I used this just this weekend on my walls before I painted. I was so amazed I called my sis n law and told her. It's clear liquid.
Plain old sugar soap, diluted as per instructions. Make sure you wear gloves. Those citrus based cleaners are really good too.
mean-green is a good degreaser . I use it on my walls especially behind the stove top
There really isn't going to be an easy way, but this site has some great solutions to get rid of all kinds of stains, pests, odors, and then some.
The best de-greaser in the world is Dawn dishwashing detergent. They use it on wildlife after an oil spill. I suggets you either fill the sink or a bucket with very hot water and add a few squirts of Dawn. Use rubber gloves to protect your hands from the hot water and use either sponges or towels so you don't disturb any type of texture on the walls.

Spray rinse the area with clean water often so you can see where you've cleaned and where you need to go over again.

Good luck!

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